Sunday, November 18, 2012

Author Skype Event!

Members of the FES Mock Newbery Book Club are invited to Skype with
 Augusta Scattergood, author of Glory Be
from 3:30-4:30 on Wednesday, November 28th. 
Students need to sign up in advance with Mrs. Potter.

Many of the 75 members of the book club have read Glory Be this fall. The FES Library copies of Glory Be have been checked out 32 times since September 4th, and we still have a waiting list!

The historical fiction novel has had a huge impact on our readers; kids have had a lot to say about the character of Glory during our lunch discussions.

Ms. Scattergood lives in Florida, and she has graciously agreed to meet with our book club. Visit Augusta Scattergood's web site for more information about her background as a librarian and a writer.